Note cards!

I'm so happy to say that this new book is planned!  I made it to the end of my note cards with a solid plot, wonderful characters, and some believable villains.  Yay!  I have the confidence to know this book works from beginning to end.

Of course, there's always the flip side:

The moment arrives when I realize I'm writing a book and it's a good thing I'm attached to those characters and that plot and those terrific villains--because I'm going to be stuck with them for a long time.


  1. It's a strange mixture of daunting and exciting, isn't it?! I haven't planned out my next book on index cards or anything, but I've been doing some character sketches, and more than anything, letting the story marinate in my mind. I'm excited a bit blown away by the thought of starting over at 0 words again!

    Congrats on having the booked planned out. That's such a huge accomplishment!


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