First Spillworthy Interview!

I'm so excited!  My first Spillworthy interview is up over at!

J. M. Strother interviewed me and I found myself revealing much more than I've revealed in other interviews--like why I decided to self-publish, information I've kept to myself for some time.

If you comment on the interview, I'll add your name to a drawing for a Kindle version of Spillworthy.  I'm doing the Kindle direct program, so I'll be purchasing the book for you through Amazon when the book comes out in May.

This interview with Jon was such a pleasure.  I'll leave the opportunity to comment open until the book is available to send and then I'll post the winner in the comments thread.

The #FridayFlash community on Twitter has been so good to me.  While you're there reading my interview, you should explore the site.  You'll especially want to see "The Friday Flash Report," with links to amazing short stories, all written this week.  Want to add your own flash fiction to the list?  Just click on "The Collector" in the upper right hand corner.

I'll see you in the comments! :)


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